The story of David hamelech always moves me. Maybe it’s because of the struggle or maybe it’s because of the royalty. Or maybe it’s the combination of the two. Maybe it’s because of the struggles and his kingship which makes it so appealing! He was a descendant of a geyores, he loved to fight and enjoyed blood. He was in the run for quite some time and couldn’t warm up in the end of his days. But yet, David Hamelech used it all for the good, & he sang. He sang to his creator and never gave up hope. And even though his background was less then of prestige, he came about the crown, so it doesn’t matter. The past doesn’t matter. It’s only the present and the future. What we make of it, and who we become! I look to David hamelch and the Sefer Tehillim for hope, comfort and guidance. To be a person of leadership, there is much responsibility. We are all a package deal, but it’s what we do and how we channel it all that makes all the difference.
In this painting you will see a lion which represents Yehuda / royalty, where David descends from. There is the harp which was basically his lifeline with Alef bet pouring out of it singing to HaShem, and the beit hamikdash which his decentednt built and will build. It’s all encapsulated in a 24k gold crown.
30X30 Acrylic & gold leaf on canvas
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