Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate
Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate
Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate

Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate


When I sat down to paint this, (in June) I closed my eyes and thought of what came to mind first when thinking of Pesach. 

I painted whatever that was.
It was a subconscious process…

As I thought it, I painted it.

I thought about matza..arba kosos (4 cups of wine) the yam suf..Mayan torah..the work and the pyramids..the Egyptians..the makos..the zeroa netuya (the hand of God) ..the tears of bnei yisroel that filled the massive cup, the sheep..the blood on the door posts..the marror..the egg..the yam suf and the songs..

I added it all in, so that when it sits on your table, you can see all the parts and connect to the full story, experiencing it ALL.

This seder plate is very limited. I made only a handful of them. Each one is signed and numbered.


A limited edition collectors item

Made from hand carved crystal

Brass edge 


If you are looking to add to the beauty of your Seder, check out our Haggadah and Matzah Cover

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Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate

Hand Carved Crystal Seder Plate
