Chaunukah Poker Set
Chaunukah Poker Set

Chaunukah Poker Set



  • One Deck of hand painted cards 
  • 3 Dreidels
  • Cholov Israel chocolates 

One Chanukah, some time ago, while my oldest boys were babies, I hosted a Chanukah party.
That became the first of many…
I was thinking and thinking, how can I make this Chanukah party fun and special?
It then occurred to me - we all love playing poker. Why not play the game with Chanukah coins instead of poker chips?
It was such a fun idea and it turned into such a fun night! I actually won ;) it was $60 that I’ll never forget about
So now I’m passing that fun onto you!
This game is a great way to bond near the candles, or around your table at your Chanukah party

From my family to yours
A Freilichin Chanukah!

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Chaunukah Poker Set

Chaunukah Poker Set
