Painting a few strokes, then standing back, seeing the full “picture” and going right back in…over and over and over again…
I always say that in life we have to zoom out of the one pixal and see the full picture. In this case, painting.
We can get so caught up in the tiniest of details, and when we stand back, it’s the full story that really matters. Relax and chill, the full picture can still be great!
I was saying this to myself as I’m painting this. Is it right? Did I put the stroke in the right spot? If most of them are right, then the one that isn’t won’t really matter. The full painting has to vibrate and sing and it does. That’s what matters!
What do you see in your life painting? I’m sure you can find a beautiful mosaic masterpiece as you take your steps back…
30” x 40”
acrylic on canvas
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