Hidden light
Hidden light
Hidden light

Hidden light


HIDDEN LIGHT: I started this painting right before Chanukah. I did a bit here and there and then left it sitting on the easel for me to keep adding a stroke when ever I saw my next move. I came back to it Thursday night to finish it up. It was the only thing I wanted to do. Thursday afternoon I got into a minor car accident. Although, it could have been major - I was inches away from death happening. Weā€™re all ok BH, but Iā€™m so shaken up. As I was painting, I was processing my thoughts - and what Iā€™ve come to realize, is that HaShem is watching over me and Heā€™s watching over you too. There was so much good that was there - the lady I was bumped was so nice. An African American woman. Sweet nice lady. The police man was kind as well. A neighbor came out of her house and offered to watch my baby so that I didnā€™t have to hold him in the cold. My step father came and took the bigger boys. In a moment of chaos, I felt safe. I really believe that we create our own safe havens and it has to come from inside of ourselves. We project that energy into our lives. Yes, I was moments away from really scary things & it was a personal wake up call to me, Iā€™m not sure for what - Iā€™m still processing, but it was mirroring to me what is happening on a macro level - we are being yelled to - wake up! We donā€™t need to go on Jewish news groups to be immersed in chaos all day long. That instills insecurity In is from within! Thatā€™s the worst thing! We donā€™t need to harp and watch and read...we need to think and take personal action to be better. Time to Wake up....Ā 

30ā€ x 30ā€

acyric on canvasĀ 

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