Mispallim | Original
Mispallim | Original

Mispallim | Original


This Original Painting is called Mispallim. It shows people in the midst of praying to G-d. The beautiful uplifting background colors really make this painting stand out!

Artist inspiration: "Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real”. A funny thing happens - people tell you to think big, to go for it, but then when you do, they look at you like your a little crazy. Or tell you that it won’t happen. (Or if they’re your parent, tell you to go back to your real job) So what is it? Just words? “Dream big.. go for it..” nice lofty words that no one actually expects to come into fruition, so they can be said easily? It’s interesting...but the truth is, for those of you smart enough to believe in your dreams & the few people telling you to go for it, you’re doing the right thing! Because your reality is what you make it. And if you can trail-blaze past all the people who look at you like you’ve lost it, then you will eventually live your dream. It’s H.A.R.D work, but if you can dream it, you can create it. DREAM BIG. YOU can do it!

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Mispallim | Original

Mispallim | Original
