Sukkah Print | Acrylic Violin
Sukkah Print | Acrylic Violin

Sukkah Print | Acrylic Violin

Size: 20” x 8.5”
20” x 8.5”

This violin has been in the gallery for quite some time! I wanted to paint a violin for a long time and so I asked my printer to cut one for me.  He did, and I forgot about it.  I bumped into it while rummaging for things in the gallery, one day in the summer, and thought - omg - SUKKOS!!
I rolled out my paints and created this piece.  I had all of you in mind and then this happened! - 

The acrylic violin!!

It is designed for the sukkah. It has two holes on top and bottom for hanging.  It’s a show stopper.  It’s smart.  It’s unique. It’s DASHING.  

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