After completing Perek Shira, I got inspired to create a painting for the cover. A painting that encapsulates all of perek Shira, and what could be better then Shlomo Hamelech, who spoke to all the animals, knew what they were saying and was able to communicate their love with HaShem.
His Chair was absolutely spectacular with animals literally repelling one another. There was a wild animal right near a tame animal and they sat in peace, side by side, without the natural predator and prey. There were grapes hanging from the ceiling and an eagle giving the crown over to another bird who hovered over the chair in the air. The animals were pure gold, and so I sculpted them onto the canvas, with gold paint and adding gold leaf in certain spots.
It was so much more then we can ever image, and so I tried to close my eyes and just imagine whatever I could with my little mind, and this is what I came up with. If I did it even 5% Justice, well then, I’ll take it!
52” x 58” acrylic
gold leaf on canvas.
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