Sukkah Print | ACRYLIC Lulav + Esrog | Artwork for your Sukkah
Sukkah Print - Lulav + Esrog - Judaic Art

Sukkah Print | ACRYLIC Lulav + Esrog | Artwork for your Sukkah

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“ 

A #succosexclusive artwork is made just for your succah! These are special artworks created just for Succos.


This Sukkah Print is an acrylic size 15" x 19".

3 mm acrylic

small holes on top and bottom for easy hanging 

It’s my honor to be able to help and serve you with the mitzvah of beautifying your succah!

Chag Sameach,



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Sukkah Print | ACRYLIC Lulav + Esrog | Artwork for your Sukkah

Sukkah Print | ACRYLIC Lulav + Esrog | Artwork for your Sukkah
