Yesterday, the kids were bored. I suggested to go play outside...And practice riding their bikes, they said they don’t know how.
I went with them and said today you ARE riding.
Once they were on, they kept loosing their balance, going back on, falling back off...
I didn’t do much by teaching them, all I did was cheer them on. - You can do this! You’re doing it! See you’re doing it!
The more I said this, the more they continued.
Then I said you’re doing so fabulous, you know why? Because you’re not giving up.
Giving up is where it ends. If you don’t think it will happen, then it won’t happen. And if you think that it will happen, and you keep going back - it WILL happen.
They learned...By the next hour they were riding like pros.
The moral of the story really stuck with me. It was such a small thing in the scheme of things but the lesson is so clear - believe it and achieve it.
During this time, it feels like the world around us is crumbling.
Please don’t give up. You can do it. It’s from the tiniest spark, that can become massive flames of fire. Keep the spark lit. You must!